Howdy folks! I'm back with updates on our PCS process to Korea! Monday I went to my yearly physical for EFMP screening. It was a piece of cake! Go in, the nurse asks a bunches of questions from the DD form 2792 (medical summary form), then takes it to the MD who signs off on both the DA form 5888 and DD 2792. He asked me questions about my asthma (an EFMP enrollable condition), inquired as to whether I had any other questions (which I did. I tend to save them all up for MD visits--even make a list sometimes), and sent me on my way inside of 20 minutes. Not bad!
We finally got the rest of our paperwork from our S2 to get our orders. Hubby just had to go around to various doctors on post and have them sign off (if they had recently seen him), then go get his shots (fun). One of those shots is the smallpox vaccine. Fun. He'll be sick for a week (from what I understand), and we can't sleep in the same bed for a month! A whole month! Now, I'm a cuddler, so that's a long time. Too bad we're going to Korea within the next 3 months, or I'd get a cat to snuggle with! So, now that he's got that form turned in, we should have our orders within 7-10 business days. Yay! Now the hectic times come.
One really good piece of advice I got from a friend PCSing to Germany is, make a binder of everything you need to get done and have gotten done to PCS. Including medical forms, terrorist security test, passports, moving inventories, shipment times, airline tickets, etc. Put them in plastic sheet protectors. That way everything is in the same place. You can get one huge notebook for everyone, or have one for each person (which I think is easier and easier to keep track of, not as bulky).
Well, off I go to put bills in the mail. Good day to all.