
Confusing and exciting!
Welcome to Pink Camo Life!  Life in the army can be as confusing as it is exciting.  So many times I find myself inspired by what lies ahead, while at the same time discouraged because I have so many questions that need answering.  Often, wandering through the vast corridors of Google, I find myself lost and thoroughly befuddled.  Army briefings help some, but are often abounding with so much information that my brain (and my pen) struggle to keep up with the steady flow of enlightenment.  To remedy this, I racked my mind for ways to keep track of this new-found knowledge that was rapidly accumulating, but having nowhere to permanently reside.  Idea after idea flitted by until the concept of blogging alighted on my consciousness.  "Ridiculous!" some may say, but I say, "Genius!"  What better way to put my experiences down on the proverbial paper and share them for the benefit of anyone?  Thus was born my blog.  So sit back, enjoy relative peace and quiet, and prepare to be illuminated.

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